Student Artist in process Micrography portrait of her mother (creating value and unity).

MICROGRAPHY - Drawing with words, also called microcalligraphy,  a Jewish art form developed in the 9th century. The compilation of letters represent geometric and abstract shapes.  

Text Art, Word Art, and Typography are all forms of art using alphanumeric symbols. 

Art Students were given the choice to create from a photographic portrait of someone they knew, or a photo from the internet. Once drawn, the portrait was then filled in with words using the art students' handwriting. 
The Micrographic portrait must display ART ELEMENTS (line, shape, color, value) and the PRINCIPLE OF DESIGN (unity). Showing variations in handwriting was strongly encouraged in order to accomplish the VALUE (light to dark quality) in the Micrographic portrait. UNITY should be displayed by the arrangement of the lines, shapes, and values to create a cohesive portrait. In other words, the portrait made out of words should look whole and complete, not broken up. 

Student Artist in process sketched the value using graphite before using black ink. All of those lines on the forehead, nose and ear are created using his handwriting. Wow.

Student Artist chose Al Pacino. Amazing display of value in his handwriting. 

Student Artist chose a friend who she already drew a portrait of. It's awesome.


VAHSVA.CR.1 Visualize and generate ideas for creating works of art.

 VAHSVA.CR.4 Incorporate formal and informal components to create works of art.

VAHSVA.PR.1 Plan, prepare, and present works of art for exhibition in school, virtual environment, and/or portfolio presentation. 

VAHSVA.RE.2 Critique personal works of art and the artwork of others, individually and collaboratively, using a variety of approaches.

VAHSVA.CN.1 Develop personal artistic voice through connecting uses of art within a variety of cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts. 


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