Wassily Kandinky | Concentric Circles
We started our semester with a collaborative artwork. This assignment was designed after a painting by Wasilly Kandinsky called Squares with Concentric Circles. The students used their own expessive choices to create a rendition of the circles. Line, shape and color were Art Elements we discussed in class. The following images are from the first day of school.
Comprehensive I - Introduces art history, art criticism, aesthetic judgment, and studio
production. Emphasizes the ability to understand and use elements and principles of design
through a variety of media, processes, and visual resources. Explores master artworks for
historical and cultural significance.
VAHSVA.CR.1 Visualize and generate ideas for creating works of art.
VAHSVA.CR.2 Choose from a range of materials and methods of traditional and
contemporary artistic practices to plan and create works of art.
VAHSVA.CR.4 Incorporate formal and informal components to create works of art.
Drawing I - Explores a variety of drawing techniques and media. Emphasizes development of
basic drawing skills and critical analysis skills for responding to master drawings. Examines
solutions to drawing problems through student drawings and those of other artists. Covers
Western and non-Western cultures.
VAHSDR.CR.2 Choose from a range of materials and methods of traditional and
contemporary artistic practices to plan and create works of art.
VAHSDR.CR.4 Incorporate formal and informal components to create works of art.
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