Sketchbook Entry | Upside Down Caricature

Doc Cam On! Demonstrating the Upside Down Caricature line drawing. The Art Students focus on the shapes and direction of the lines, using space, perspective, and proportion. It's more challenging than it looks. This practice will allow the students to learn observational techniques. Each drawing will be unique, even though the caricature is the same exact drawing.


VAHSDR.CR.3 & VAHSVA.CR.3 - Engage in an array of processes, media, techniques, and technology through experimentation, practice and persistence. (a) Create/ Investigate mark-making methods (gesture, contour, emotive line).

VAHSDR.CR.4 & VAHSVA. CR.4 - Incorporate formal and informal components to create works of art. (Apply compositional design concepts (elements and principles, activating negative space, visual weight, rule of thirds).

VAHSDR.CR.6 & VAHSVA.CR.6 - Keep an ongoing visual and verbal record to explore and develop works of art. (c) Practice techniques (direct observation, compositional development)


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