Line Drawing | Expressive and Constructive

Line Drawing Assignment:

  • Fold drawing paper in half, portrait orientation.
  • Expressive Lines on one side (wavy, curly, dashed, dotted, thin, thick, random)
  • Constructive Lines on the opposite side (calculated, even, constant, uniform)
  • Fill both sides
  • Turn in as a graded assignment 


VAHSDR.CR.1 & VAHSVA.CR.1 - Visualize and generate ideas for creating works of art

VAHDR.CR.2 & VAHSVA.CR.2 - Choose from a range of materials and methods traditional and contemporary artistic practices to plan and create works of art. (d) Develop mastery of media 

VAHSDR.CR.3 & VAHSVA.CR.3 - Engage in a array of processes...through experimentation, practice and persistence. (a) Create/ Investigate mark-making method (contour line, emotive line)

VAHSDR.CR.4 & VAHSVA.CR.4 - Incorporate formal and informal components to create works of art. (b) Apply compositional design concepts (elements of art, negative space)


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